


Luna - available for charter Luna
Number of guests22
Winter on request
Summer on request
Turama - available for charter Turama
Number of guests70
Winter 630,000 €
Summer 630,000 €
Alexander - available for charter Alexander
Number of guests80
Winter 630,000 €
Summer 630,000 €
Serene - available for charter Serene
Number of guests24
Winter 3,750,000 €
Summer on request


Bandido 75 - for sale Bandido 75
Number of guests8
Price 2,650,000 €
MS 33 - for sale MS 33
Number of guests8
Price 7,000,000 €
Angel 42M - for sale Angel 42M
Number of guests20
Price 9,000,000 €
Angel 51M - for sale Angel 51M
Number of guests10
Price 19,000,000 €

1/19/07   Views 106440
At a shipyard Blohm & Voss in Hamburg (Germany), the subsidiary of Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, on a construction dock hidden from public view, workers are toiling away on a special boat. It's called "Eclipse". And if all goes according to plan, it will become the largest privately owned yacht in the world. The spokesman would confirm only that it's building a boat called Eclipse somewhere in Germany.


largest privately owned yacht in the world "ECLIPSE"

At a shipyard Blohm & Voss in Hamburg (Germany), the subsidiary of Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, on a construction dock hidden from public view, workers are toiling away on a special boat. It's called "Eclipse." And if all goes according to plan, it will become the Eclipse largest privately owned yacht in the world. The spokesman would confirm only that it's building a boat called Eclipse somewhere in Germany. Eclipse's designer, London's Terence Disdale Ltd., would say only this: "We can't say anything at all about this project. This is very secret." According to several people involved in the project, Eclipse is the latest water toy for the new king of the seas - Roman Abramovich.
Eclipse will have at least two helicopter pads, several hot tubs, one pool, three launch boats and a private submarine. For security, it will be fitted with motion sensors and a special missile-detection system.

Motor yacht "Pelorus", 114,50 meters, 2003, shipyard Lurssen

Mr. Abramovich, the Russian oil magnate whom Forbes ranks as the 11th richest man in the world, with $18.2 billion, has an armada that would rival some national navies. In addition to "Eclipse" - expected to measure more than 525 feet - he owns three other megayachts, including the 377-foot "Pelorus" and the 282-foot "Ecstasea".

Motor yacht "Le Grand Bleu", 113 meters, 2000, shipyard Vulkan Bremen

"The Sun" reports that Chelsea boss Roman Abramovich has given his oldest friend and business lieutenant, Eugene Shvidler, a sea-sational gift — a £75million yacht "Le Grand Bleu". To thank him for his hard work, to be exact: striking the £140million deal for the Russian tycoon to buy Chelsea, sitting on the club’s board and heading Abramovich’s oil firm Sibneft, "Le Grand Bleu" was presented together with 65-strong crew, diving centre, helicopter, aquarium and speedboat.

Shvidler, 41, is also a billionaire and already has a luxury yacht which is nevertheless 178 ft shorter and £47million cheaper than Mr. Abramovich’s "present". "Eugene is delighted although he told Roman he didn’t expect such largesse".
Ironically, Shvidler has ticked off his pal in the past for splashing so much cash on his soccer team. He said: “My heart bleeds at the amount.
Says John Mann, a spokesman for Mr. Abramovich: "Mr. Abramovich doesn't comment on his personal property." 

Motor yacht "Rising Sun", 138 metres, 2004, shipyard Lürssen

With "Eclipse", Mr. Abramovich is not only setting a new high-water mark in the "mine-is-bigger-than-yours" world of mega-yachting. He's also helping to solidify the reputation of the Russians as the new world leaders of global conspicuous consumption. The gusher of oil money and flood of cash from commodities like nickel and aluminum has created a steady stream of new oligarchs, even as the rest of Russia struggles with poverty, high mortality rates and widespread corruption. The average life expectancy in Russia is now 66 years - 14 years below the European Union average.
Arab royals now own the four longest yachts in the world. Among private yachts not owned by heads of state, the Americans still have the lead, with Oracle Chief Larry Ellison's 454-foot "Rising Sun" and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's 416-foot "Octopus" ranking first and second. (Mr. Ellison may have already lost full bragging rights: Yacht-industry executives say he recently sold an ownership share in "Rising Sun" to fellow California billionaire David Geffen. Both declined to comment.)

The fastest and sleekest yacht of Abramovich "Ecstasea", 86 metres, 2004, shipyard Feadship

Last year, according to a New Zealand builder, one of Mr. Abramovich's countrymen commissioned five yachts. Another Russian, also unnamed, recently commissioned a 483-foot boat but had to abandon the project midstream because of "financial uncertainty," says one builder.

Yacht broker Nigel Burgess says at least 20% of the business for new vessels over 200 feet is coming from Russians - more than from any other single country, including the U.S. "They've really taken the yacht business by storm," says Jonathan Beckett, Nigel Burgess's president. "It's very much like the Saudis in the 1970s. Except that the Russians are perhaps more sophisticated."

Ocean liner "Queen Mary 2", 345 metres, 2003, shipyard Chantiers de l'Atlantique, a subsidiary of Alstom

Mr. Abramovich has made the biggest waves. "Eclipse" is designed expressly to overshadow "Dubai", the 525-foot behemoth owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai.
When "Eclipse" launches, Mr. Abramovich will own more than 1,100 feet of yacht - the approximate length of the "Queen Mary 2". Exact prices for his boats aren't known, but industry experts estimate they range from about $25 million for his smallest to more than $300 million for "Eclipse". Annual overhead for the boats is more than $20 million, industry experts say, and it costs him $120,000 just to fill up the tanks of his current largest boat, "Pelorus".

Motor yacht "Sussurro", 49,50 metres, 1998, shipyard Feadship

Each vessel serves a different purpose. For entertaining, Mr. Abramovich prefers "Pelorus", the 377-footer originally built for a Saudi sheikh. It has bulletproof glass, two helipads, an indoor pool, a steam room and accommodations for 22 guests and more than 40 staff. For cruising, he likes "Ecstasea", with a Chinese-themed interior and a top speed of more than 40 knots. The 161-foot "Sussurro" is mainly used as a loaner or "tag along" yacht for friends during large parties.

Motor yacht "Octopus", 126,18 metres, 2003, shipyard Lurssen in Bremen and HDW in Kiel

Partly the information was taken from: The Wall Street Journal /January 12, 2007/ and The Sun /June 13, 2006/.




Яхта конечно выше всяких пределов восприятия ,но блин 3000000000 евриков этож беспридел какойто!Не ну в самом то деле ,наворовал ,а теперь хвастается .Неспорю мне конечно же завидно что он имеет такие деньги, как простому р/к,но вот если бы он вложил теже деньги на развитие российской переферии где нет ни работы ни жизни , тогда и на его богатство был бы совсем другой взгляд!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Можно тольбко поздравить олигарха с ценным приобретением! А Российскому государству не хватает денег, чтобы выстроить новый военный флот, даже БПК пр. 1155 "Вице-адмирал Кулаков" (длина 162,5 м, ширина 19 м, водоизмещение 7500 тонн) 15 лет ремонтировали; а меньший по размерам фрегат УРО "Ярослав Мудрый" (длина 130 м, ширина 15,6 м, водоизмещение 3500 тонн) стоили аж с 1989 года! Такие яхты вполне сопоставимы по размерам с упомянутыми БПК (противолодочными эсминцами УРО), как "Кулаков" или аналогичный ему так и оставшийся без ремонта на консервации БПК "Адмирал Харламов".
Monday, September 6, 2010
Не ну я понимаю когда учредители Microsoft покупают такие яхты. Люди создавали годами, десятилетиями фирмы корпорации, вкладывали деньги в развитие предприятий, технологий. Что сделал полезного Абрамович или Береза???
Friday, July 9, 2010
Молодец Роман! живет так как считает нужным! а когда еще бабосы тратить7 в следующей жизни? А машинка шедевр я бы от такой тоже не отказался! да "бы" мешает!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ребята, что вас так жаба давит? Каждый выбирает судьбу сам. Кто идет заведомо работать на дядю, а кто сам создает места для работы. Хотите быть богатыми, зады поднимите и создавайте свой мир. Абрамович создал свой мир, о каком мечтал с детства. Поэтому и яхты у него. а не у шахтеров. Кто на что учился. Дерзайте. Хотите быть БОГатыми, т.е. от БОГА, учитесь у богатых людей, А хотите быть бедными, БЕДность - от слова беда.. Спрашивайте совета у нищих.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Конечно круто,что и говорить.Только большая часть населения России,скажем так 90процентов,даже не может купить обычную квартиру.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Адмирал Нахимов
Эти замечательные Бермудские яхты сделанные в Германии по заказу владельца Кипрской компании Евраз платящей налоги в Люксембурге. Евраз N1 на американском и канадском рынке дешевого проката и металоизделий! Черт бы побрал этих миллиардеров выкачивающих сырье из России во славу и на процветание запада. И их шестерок. Россия страна дешевых рабов и сырья. Слава путину-абармовичу! Госсия вперед!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Вот где денежки на модернизацию шахты Распадская...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Классная яхта беспорно, я бы хотел на такой прокатиться, но не судьба пока))))
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Адмирал Ушаков
Отличная яхта! Уважаю Романа и его отличные быстрые яхты! Что сказать большой яхте большое плавание! Как и большому человеку. Как назавешь так и поплывет. Но Российские яхты должны носить русские имена и они будут например в 2012 выйдет "Петр1" супер мега яхта будет более 700 футов в длину и скорость ее 60 узлов!!! Вот это действительно круто! РОССИЯ СУПЕР ДЕРЖАВА ХРОНИ ЕЕ БОГ!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010